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The Winston Blue

The Winston Blue

Originally called the Fancy Vivid Blue Diamond, this stone was renamed 'The Winston Blue' after Harry Winston purchased it in 2014. Weighing in at 13.22ct, it is the largest diamond of its kind said to be graded by the GIA.

Price: ~$23.8 million (+ Updated)

HIGHLIGHTS:The Winston Blue — $23.8 million Originally called the Fancy Vivid Blue Diamond, this stone was renamed 'The Winston Blue' after Harry Winston purchased it in 2014. Weighing in at 13.22ct, it is the largest diamond of its kind said to be graded by the GIA. This pear-shaped internally flawless diamond cost almost $2 million per carat when it sold in 2014, setting a new world record for the price per carat of a blue diamond The Winston Blue is a 13.22 carat diamond that is the largest flawless vivid blue diamond in the world. Harry Winston purchased it in 2014 for $23.8 million at Christie's Geneva Magnificent Jewels sale. How did it get its name? The diamond was originally called the Fancy Vivid Blue Diamond, but Harry Winston renamed it after purchasing it. The name is a tribute to Winston's legacy as the "King of Diamonds". Where did it come from? It was purchased from an anonymous person at Christie's Geneva Magnificent Jewels sale. What is its significance? The price paid for the diamond, approximately $1.8 million per carat, was a world record for blue diamonds at the time. Who owns it? The diamond is part of the collection of gems owned by Harry Winston, Inc.